Friday 15 June 2007

Rollon pay day!!!!!

where does all my money go???
hey ho 3 days till the blessed day, and cant wait why is it always birthdays and things when i am skint?

well we live in hope that next month things will be different and the money will stretch to the end of the month!:)

so how's your week gone mine has been a mix of awful and grt strange but true!

God is doing such great things but on the other hand things keep coming at me from all other angles... if you get what i mean?!

well God is bigger and I can do all things through Christ who gives me strength so I will trust He has it all in hand!

mmmm, could just eat a hot fudge sundae just seen one on tv ... tut tut not great diet food but who cares abit wont hurt :)
keep smiling people and write soon remember God , yes He that is so amazing that we can never get to the end of Him, never completely understand Him yes God.... Loves you!!!!

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