Monday, 18 June 2007

Father's day

so it was fathers day yesterday and i am one of those really fortunate people that has an incredible dad here who supports and looks out for me but you know some people arent that lucky, or their dad has left or maybe even died :(

but there is one who can be and wants to be father to everyone for it is from him we were created, we are made in his image he is abba father God the one and only true God and He surely deserves some thought around fathers day?!

you see i am fortunate that i have my biological earthly father who is amazing and also my dad in heaven who is awesome father God.

My dad here on earth makes plans for me, cares for me , provides for me in the limitations of humanity ... he does his very best but we are only human!

Father God is ... God!! with all the resources, authority and power at his finger tips to do whatever he wants, he knows the plans for our lives, picks us up when we fall and ultimately provided a way for us when there was no way and he is coming for us , so we can have eternity with him in heaven how awesome!!!!!!!

So happy fathers day daddy! xx

1 comment:

Foz said...

It is good to know that God loves us as a father and only wants the best for us.

It is a good thing to remember, that he is there to count on when no-one else is.
