Tuesday 21 August 2007

Well its been a while so i thought i would write a few words and update you on what i have been up to!

school holidays are soooooooooooooo long!!!!!!!!
trying to keep 2 children occupied for 7 weeks on no money is a nightmare!!!!

went to a concert the other evening with some friends ( one of the only nights out during the holidays!!!)
Chris Tomlin in concert in Stoke , awesome truly great evening!!!!!!! is this man annointed or what??!! and the supports were grt too phillipa hanna and jonny parks not heard them before but defonately on my christmas list this year!

apart from that have had a few good nights with people at our houses, went out for gregs birthday which was a good evening also and well pretty much: church and band!
still loving singing and have looked into getting professional vocal training through L.I.P.A so excited!
so many ppl have been really encouraging me with it so, going to go for it and keep praising God and see where He leads me- He will either open or slam the doors ! so i will just keep walking....

missing deb and fel lots now they been away for couple weeks not long now they so precious to me! anyway getting all soppy again so will leave it there, God bless and

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